The World Turned Upside Down -Ve'na'hafoch Hu


Written for students in high school and up, this lesson can be adapted for younger ages.

Incorporating text from the Megillah (Book of Esther) and the Talmud, this lesson asks several important questions such as:

  • Throughout the pandemic - from the very beginning and being in the middle of the storm, to acclimating to "the new normal," to the vaccine roll out - how have our lives been turned upside down, and how have we responded in positive and destructive ways to our own "ve-nahafoch hu" moments?
  • What have we learned about ourselves and our communities over the past 10-12 months, including our individual and collective strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and needs? And how can we take at least one of these lessons forward with us when, in the months or years again, we once again see an Olam Hafuch, a flipped world?

Looking for more great Purim materials? Sefaria’s learning department has gathered a new collection of sheets, Purim on Sefaria: Resources for Educators, which can be used “as is” or adapted to your own learning environment.




  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement
  • Family Engagement