The Wonder of Miracles: Family/Classroom Learning Activities


What is a miracle? How do we experience miracles in our lives? Dive into these questions and more with Hadar's “The Wonder of Miracles,” a learning guide exploring three different ways of experiencing miracles.

Designed for children to use together with their families, or teachers to use with their students, we hope this handful of texts—like the small jug of oil—will fuel your wonder as you learn through them over Hanukkah, and give you a chance to experience a bit of the miraculous in your learning and in the world around you.

This learning guide was created by Hadar's Children and Families Division and Pedagogy of Partnership.

Hadar's Children and Families Division is building a network of families and young adults aspiring to a shared religious vision Through ongoing classes, programs and meaningful resources, we are investing in the next generation and building a world animated by our core values of Torah, Avodah and Hesed.

Pedagogy of Partnership (PoP) is a research-based educational model that teaches a set of attitudes and skills to strengthen how we engage in Jewish learning and meaningful conversation with others. Powered by the Hadar Institute, PoP provides professional development to educators and leaders, conducts a fellowship program for a growing network of schools, and develops ready to use materials for educators and families.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Family Engagement
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement