What do kids know about Israel? What should we teach them? 235 35 Brandeis University (Waltham, MA) Article Israel Education Supportive Conversations Israel - Contemporary History Zionism K - 2 3 - 5 "Little research has been done on how Jewish kids’ views of Israel change over time - until now." Interview with leading Jewish educator and researcher, Dr. Sivan Zakai, on what children (Kindergarten thru 5th grade) understand about Israel. View Resources What do kids know about Israel? What should we teach them? Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting After School and Beyond Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Early Childhood Family Engagement Discover more Collection May 2021: Exploring the Current Israeli-Palestinian Crisis The Jewish Education Project has curated a collection of resources on the May 2021 Israeli-Palestinian crisis. 3368 2 Torah is Like... Learn about the joyous holiday while exploring texts that compare Torah to all kinds of different things! 44 1 Weird Ways Israel Won its War of Independence Focusesing on two critical pieces of Israel’s War of Independence: the Davidka cannon and the Burma road. 43 66