Six Places the Jewish State Almost Existed


While many associate the idea of a Jewish state solely with modern Israel, history tells a tale of multiple attempts to establish Jewish states in locations as diverse as ancient Babylonia and Niagara Falls. Despite their differences in era and geography, each of these states shared a common fate—they never lasted.

Ultimately, these historical attempts underscore a profound truth: the quest for a Jewish state is as old as the Jewish people itself, but the enduring bond between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel is not just a matter of heritage, but of destiny; Israel is the only place where the vision of a Jewish homeland can, and has truly and permanently, taken root.

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Essential Questions:

  1. What makes a state “Jewish”?
  2. Why does Israel hold a unique place as the Jewish homeland?

Big Ideas:

  1. A “Jewish” state can have different layers of meaning and significance, depending on the context
  2. Israel has a unique place as the Jewish homeland



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