Shine A Light Lesson - Early Childhood Education


This content is designed for Early Childhood Education educators to use with their learners in the weeks leading up to and during Chanukah.  We are providing you with multiple pathways through this lesson.  Outlined are four Invitations/provocations for use as your children arrive; they are designed to help children explore light, properties of light, and how we interact with light.  We encourage you to put out at least two of the described set-ups.  In addition, there are four Learning Activities that can be used in combination with each other or each as a stand-alone. You may choose to use them on different days, or combine them into one days’ learning. The goal of the Learning Activities is to make the connection between Light, Chanukah, and Joy.  We have also provided links to relevant reading and music resources.

Created by:

Robyn Faintich

Dr. Robyn Faintich, EdD (she/her) of JewishGPS, LLC served as the Project Manager for the Shine A Light Jewish education content.  She has over 26 years of Jewish communal professional experience in areas that include youth movements, day schools, community teen initiatives, early childhood education, congregational family education, and adult education. In August 2010, Robyn launched JewishGPS, LLC in an effort to help guide Jewish organizations in a variety of aspects of Jewish education.  Robyn earned her BA degree in Journalism and Mass Communications at Drake University and a Masters Degree in Jewish Studies with a focus on Jewish Education at the Siegal College of Judaic Studies. She is a graduate of the Jim Joseph Foundation Fellowship with Bar Ilan University's Lookstein Center which trained Jewish leaders to facilitate on-line Communities of Practice. Robyn completed a fellowship in the Senior Jewish Educators' Cohort of M2: the Institute for Experiential Jewish Education. She has an EdD from Northeastern University where her dissertation topic was "Understanding How Under-Engaged Jewish Teens Self-Articulate and Self-Express Jewish Identity and Jewish Identification."  She holds a Doctoral Certificate in Jewish Education Leadership from Hebrew College. 











  • Early Childhood
  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Family Engagement