Rosh Hashanah Simanim Padlet 868 12 The Lookstein Center Partner Content Lesson Jewish Holidays (Chagim) Jewish Text and Thought Jewish Tradition Tefilah (Prayer) 3 - 5 6 - 7 This interactive, collaborative digital activity reviews the symbolic foods eaten on Rosh Hashanah and their meanings and includes instructions for adaptions for both elementary and middle school students. View Resources Rosh Hashanah Simanim Padlet - The Lookstein Center Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link A free, interactive padlet activity involving a collaborative review of symbolic Rosh Hashanah foods known as “simanim.” Details Setting After School and Beyond Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Teen Engagement Family Engagement Discover more Collection Rosh HaShanah Resource Collection The Jewish Educator Portal has curated an engaging selection of resources to help teach the Jewish New Year. 10273 49 Rosh Hashanah Devash A beautifully illustrated learning guide about Rosh Hashanah and its themes 71 1 Mental Health Rosh Hashanah Seder Infuse your Rosh Hashanah dinner with these mental health interpretations and activities for the symbolic foods we eat on Rosh Hashanah! 289 4