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Mensch-ify is an alternative learning program that is held twice a month for families with children in Pre-K to 6th grade. It is a developmentally appropriate program, built upon the parent-child co-learning experience, that combines stories, songs, art, movement, and play to provide families with the tools they need to live a Jewish life that works for them.

Mayim offers experiential and project-based Jewish learning and community-building for children in grades K-5. Their commitment to project-based learning places the student at the center of the learning, with the teacher acting as a facilitator (Design Principle 6). Project-based learning also means that students collaborate regularly, creating deep and meaningful relationships (Design Principle 5). Mayim provides options for transportation, early drop off, and elective activities preceding the start of the program. They also offer daily Jewish afterschool care (Design Principle 2).