Mental Health Tu BiShvat Seder


Tu B’Shvat can help us gain insight into living and personal growth. It is also the perfect time to practice gratitude and appreciate what we so often take for granted. Like all living things, we are constantly growing and bettering ourselves. Just as we care for the trees, we also must care for ourselves. Just as we water a garden, we must nourish ourselves. When used as part of our own self-care, gratitude can play a large role in healing, both physically and mentally.

This Tu BiShvat seder lets students experience the holiday through the lens of gratitude and mental health. 

A unique Tu BiShvat seder focusing on gratitude and mental health. The seder includes worksheets, explanations, discussion questions, and more.



  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • After School and Beyond
  • Teen Engagement
  • Family Engagement