LOMED Innovation Initiative


The Coalition of Innovating Congregations began to form in 2009 with 26 congregations participating in LOMED. These congregations started experimenting with Whole Person Learning and Assessment, 21st Century Design Principles, Professional Learning Teams, and Educational Leadership Teams — all meant to “boost” new models of part-time Jewish education. Educators and congregational leaders struggled with new language, new work, new roles, and new visions.

Two years later, more congregations joined the Coalition as part of LOMED Chadash. At that time, we released the LOMED Handbook for Powerful Learning Experiences, documenting what we had learned from the LOMED congregations, describing what their and worthy new concepts looked like in action and how to make them work. The LOMED Chadash congregations, who could build their models using the experiences of others, had two sets of resources that are worth exploring.

The LOMED Innovation Initiative offers four resources:

  • LOMED: Handbook for Powerful Learning Experiences
  • LOMED Chadash Orientation Resources
  • Lifnei LOMED Tools and Templates
  • Coalition Handbook



  • Educator Training