Psychological first aid (PFA) for students and teachers. Helping you help your students in times of disaster, school crises, or emergencies. This resource from guides teachers in how to react and communicate during times of crisis. The information within can be used by teachers to help students, their families, and other teachers as well.
Temple Adat Elohim, Thousand Oaks, CA. Families come together twice a month, once to experience Shabbat as a B’Yachad community and another time to help heal the world by participating in Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) projects
Mayim, our initial example of "Additional" Models, could be placed in a Multi-aged, Project-Based Learning, or Experiential Learning bucket. Mayim is a K-5 learning community in which depth of relationships and depth of learning are intentionally fostered and visible everywhere.