Koobiya - A D.U.L.L. Learning Activity For Israel Education


This D.U.L.L. Learning Activity Format, Koobiya, may be used to introduce and engage students in a study topic  and reveal the scope of students’ existing  knowledge of the topic.

As part of ongoing study of the topic, the Koobiya activity format can be used  to generate discussion of topic elements. It may also be used as a culminating activity to assess the students’ understanding of the topic and ability to apply knowledge of the topic.

It is suggested that students collaborate in groups of 3-5 to complete this activity.

I have been a Jewish Educator in Israel and the US for over  40 years.  In addition to teaching in both a Day School and supplementary school and directing a Jewish Teacher Resource  Center, I held leadership positions in the former CAJE  (Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education) organization  including Conference co-chair and  presented a virtual session at NewCAJE. I currently teach Hebrew and Judaic Studies online and create innovative Judaic content  in a variety of formats.  The Jewish Education Project’s  programs  are a valuable  resource for my ongoing personal professional development. In addition, The Jewish Education Project  is an important outlet for sharing  the learning activity formats and  teaching strategies  which  I create. 



  • After School and Beyond
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement

  • This resource is an Educator Contributed resource and is the intellectual property of the contributor.
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  • If you believe this resource to be inappropriate in any way, please email us at educator@jewishedproject.org.