JSAT Level 8 (Yeshiva HS Placement Exam, formerly the "BJE's")


For decades, as part of the admissions process, many yeshiva high schools in the Greater New York area have required 9th grade applicants to take a standardized exam in both General Studies and Judaic Studies. Beginning with Fall 2011, there was a transition to administering General Studies exams produced by other companies. Fall 2018 was the last time The Jewish Education Project produced and administered the Judaic Studies exam.

Judaic Studies Exam

Participating elementary schools and parents of students in non-participating elementary schools should order / register for the JSAT Level 8 directly from COJDS.

  • September is generally the deadline for all schools to order the JSAT Level 8. Students from non-participating schools will have a slightly longer period of time to register.
  • The Monday of Thanksgiving week is generally the uniform date for the JSAT Level 8 administration in participating elementary schools.
  • For more information, please visit the JSAT Level 8 website or contact Rabbi Tzvi Daum.

General Studies Exam

There is no longer a required uniform Yeshiva high school general studies placement exam. Instead, participating high schools will accept the scores from standardized exams already administered by elementary schools.



  • Day Schools and Yeshivas