Is it Chametz or Kosher for Passover? (Passover Hebrew Activity)


Attached is a list of Jewish foods that may or may not be Kosher for Passover. 

It can be used in several ways: 

  1. As a printed worksheet for students to fill out independently to determine what is chametz or Kosher for Passover
  2. As a matching and Hebrew decoding activity for students to match the Hebrew words to the foods.
  3. The teacher can print out the foods and make a chametz side of the board or room and a Kosher for Passover side of the board or room (and maybe a middle section for debatable items) and ask students where they would place each item. 

Encourage students to engage in conversation about what makes something Kosher for Passover and to defend their choices! 



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement