Israel Story/Sippur Yisraeli 18 54 Israel Story Podcast Website Guide Israel Education Israel - Contemporary Jewish Holidays (Chagim) 6 - 7 8 - 12 Extraordinary stories of everyday people. If you’re new to Israel Story, we’ve compiled some ideas of where to begin based on your area of interest. View Resources Israel Story/Sippur Yisraeli Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting After School and Beyond Day Schools and Yeshivas Congregational Learning Family Engagement Teen Engagement Discover more Devash: Parashat Hukkat Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes learning Torah sweet! 54 0 Intergenerational Model: CTI Limud Congregation Tifereth Israel (CTI), Glen Cove, NY. CTI learners and their families participate in hands-on experiential learning. The curriculum focuses on Jewish values learned through our stories (both modern and ancient). 191 4 Israel Story: Discussion Guide, Tzvika Mor This guide is for an episode in the Wartime Diaries series which began after October 7th 41 3