How to Appreciate EVERYTHING


How can we stay positive when life gets tough? Explore Jewish wisdom on gratitude, revealing how it helps us find light even in the darkest moments. Reveal how even small moments, like the simple flush of a toilet, can be reminders of the good around us, and how recognizing the good in every situation can transform our outlook and help us navigate life's toughest moments.


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Big Ideas
  1. Gratitude is a central value in Judaism because we believe that everything ultimately comes from God.
  2. Practicing gratitude is emphasized in numerous Jewish rituals and is also backed up by modern science.
  3. Gratitude means seeing the positive in every situation by seeing the larger picture, but not necessarily accepting that everything is good (toxic positivity).
Essential Questions
  1. Why and how is gratitude a central value in Judaism?
  2. What are the benefits of gratitude discussed in Judaism?
  3. How can we see the positive aspects of negative experiences and how do we respond to them?



  • After School and Beyond
  • Camp
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas