Holocaust Giving Resource 2 1 Honeycomb Partner Content Tzedakah Storytelling Social Justice Antisemitism Jewish Text and Thought Holocaust History 8 - 12 Resource Features: Access to guiding Jewish values and texts Information on giving and links to additional resources. Information on how to make informed giving decisions related to Holocaust survivors today, Holocaust education and antisemitism View Resources Holocaust Giving Resource Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting After School and Beyond Educator Training Camp Teen Engagement Discover more Collection Resources for Teaching the Holocaust A selection of guides and resources for teaching the Holocaust. 930 36 Choice-Based Model: Mesorah - Choosing Your Commitment Congregation Kol Ami White Plains, NY. Mesorah (tradition) is a choice-based model for 7th-12th graders that includes CORE learning and hands-on, experiential, project-based learning electives. 162 3 Books on Holocaust Education This resource serves as a developing list of books on Holocaust Education. 119 0