The Hebrew Language Revival


In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, as Jews flocked to pre-State Palestine, they came from dozens of different countries and spoke as many languages.

The video comes with a 5-part educational guide (includes REVIEW, DISCUSSION, ACTIVITIES, REFLECTION, FURTHER LEARNING) that can be viewed online and/or downloaded as a PDF, along with a Kahoot game. 

This is part of a series titled History of Israel Explained.

Remote video URL

A visionary by the name of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda believed that the Jews needed both a land and language of their own in order to survive. He dedicated his life (and family) toward the cause of reviving the ancient Hebrew language – a feat never accomplished before or since. Ben-Yehuda was instrumental in ensuring that Hebrew would live and thrive as a modern language, yet the story did not begin or end with him. 

Watch this video and use the resources to learn about the incredible feat (and ongoing story) that was the revival of the Hebrew language.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement