A Family Guide to Jewish Weddings 48 0 PJ Library (Agawam, MA) Lifecycle Ages 3 - 4 3 - 5 A Jewish wedding is a joyous celebration and an example to children of how traditions are passed down and updated along the way. If you work with kids who were invited to their first Jewish wedding, use this resource to help guide them to know what to expect View Resources Guide to Jewish Weddings Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Family Engagement Discover more Collection Exploring Jewish Lifecycle: Rituals and Practices Educational resources on the rituals and practices of Jewish life including birth, marraige, conversion, and mourning. 564 5 Intergenerational Model: CTI Limud Congregation Tifereth Israel (CTI), Glen Cove, NY. CTI learners and their families participate in hands-on experiential learning. The curriculum focuses on Jewish values learned through our stories (both modern and ancient). 191 4 From Time to Time: Study and Discussion Guide This study guide is designed to help readers deepen their knowledge about the Jewish year. 34 2