Bimbam Videos: Converting to Judaism 37 0 Bimbam Video Lifecycle Supporting Individuals Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 3 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 12 An animated video on the process of adopting Judaism as a Jew by choice. This video presents an non-denominational perspective on this topic. A video about creating a Jewish home is also included on this webpage. View Resources Bimbam: Converting to Judaism Save to library Share Email X Facebook Linkedin Copy link Details Setting After School and Beyond Congregational Learning Day Schools and Yeshivas Family Engagement Teen Engagement Discover more Collection Exploring Jewish Lifecycle: Rituals and Practices Educational resources on the rituals and practices of Jewish life including birth, marraige, conversion, and mourning. 541 5 Tisha B'Av Origins and (Children's) Videos Two videos from BimBam's new home at Reform Judaism. 169 46 Videos for Shavuot Educational videos to engage students with Shavuot. 189 40