Answers WithHeld

answers withheld

When kids ask big questions, how do you respond? Whether you are parent, educator, or just a curious person, you've probably asked yourself the same questions. 

Every week, Rabbi Shai Held invites an expert guest to explore a big question: Who is God? Why did God create the world? Why do bad things happen? 

This podcast doesn’t have all the answers, but it can give you the language and frameworks to engage meaningfully with these questions.

Listen to the first episode below, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts to hear the entire inaugural season.


Shai Held


Meet Your Host - Rabbi Shai Held

Rabbi Shai Held-- philosopher, theologian, and Bible scholar-- is President and Dean at the Hadar Institute.  He received the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education, and has been named multiple times by Newsweek as one of the fifty most influential rabbis in America and by the Jewish Daily Forward as one of the fifty most prominent Jews in the world. Rabbi Held is the author of Abraham Joshua Heschel: The Call of Transcendence (2013), The Heart of Torah (2017), and Judaism is About Love (2024) and he is the host of Hadar's newest podcast, Answers WithHeld.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Educator Training
  • Camp
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement