Zionism sparks much debate, but at its core, it’s simply the belief that Jews have the right to govern themselves in their ancestral homeland. From ancient prayers to modern-day Israel, Zionism has been a cornerstone of Jewish identity for centuries. But with a Jewish state firmly established, is it still relevant?



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Big Ideas
  1. Zionism embraces diverse perspectives, unified by the commitment to create a thriving Jewish state in Israel.
  2. There are many ways to be a Zionist and contribute to Israel's development.
  3. Zionism continues to evolve, shaping both Israel and Jewish identity around the world. 
Essential Questions
  1. What does being a Zionist mean to me?
  2. Is there only one way to be a Zionist?
  3. How has Zionism changed over time, and what does it mean today?



  • After School and Beyond
  • Educator Training
  • Camp
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement