The Nova Music Festival Exhibition is an in-depth remembrance of the brutal October 7th attack. Bringing the events of October 7th and the “Tribe of Nova” festival in southern Israel to New York City. The installation sets out to recreate an event dedicated to peace and love that was brutally cut short by Hamas’s attack on Israel from Gaza on that fateful day. Presented as a way to empower visitors to responsibly explore the events of October 7 and its aftermath.

The Moment Music Stood Still: A Night for Educators and Civic Leaders, hosted by the founders of the Nova Festival and their American partners.

On May 2, the organizers of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition – including producers of the Festival in Israel, survivors, and young leaders from the tech and entertainment worlds – are hosting a program for educators and civic leaders. The evening will be an opportunity to process the events of 10/7 and to discuss the ways its aftershocks continue to reverberate in classrooms, the public square, and other spaces.

Visit the Nova Music Festival Exhibition with The Jewish Education Project

Join us and fellow colleagues as we tour the exhibition and gather as a group after to reflect on the experience and identify ways to share it with our learners.

Beginning on April 21, the Exhibition will be open to the public for a limited 5-week run. It will be held downtown in Manhattan’s financial district (location TBA).  

For additional information or if you have questions, please reach out to Alaina Shuman.

Brought to you by the founders of the Nova Festival and their American partners.

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Nova Exhibition description

Explore and reflect on the Nova Exhibition with Loen Amer.

May 9, 2024
In Person: New York, New York
Nova Exhibition description

Explore and reflect on the Nova Exhibition with Ivy Schreiber.

May 14, 2024
In Person: New York, New York
Nova Exhibition description

Explore and reflect on the Nova Exhibition with Amy Martin.

May 22, 2024
In Person: New York, New York