The Yom Kippur War: How Israel Turned the Tide


In the second part of a two-part series on Israel’s Yom Kippur War, we contemplate the leadership and aftermath of this difficult war.

The video comes with a 5-part educational guide (includes REVIEW, DISCUSSION, ACTIVITIES, REFLECTION, FURTHER LEARNING) that can be viewed online and/or downloaded as a PDF, along with a Kahoot game. 

This is part of a series titled History of Israel Explained.

Remote video URL

Who was to blame for Israel’s ill-preparedness? Was there a victor by the end of the war? What long-term effects did this war have on Israel and the Middle East? This video covers it all.

Use this video and prompts to dive deeper into this dark time in Israeli history.



  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • After School and Beyond
  • Teen Engagement
  • Family Engagement
  • Congregational Learning