Adapting Podcast: Power to the Youth!


Since the early 20th century, Jewish and Zionist youth movements have inspired individuals to come together as a collective around a shared aspiration. Today, in the age of social media and an overwhelming number of causes to support, they are more relevant than ever, but in some ways more challenged, as they strive to activate young people to speak out and actualize a vision for the future. Listen on Apple or Spotify!

Adina headshot

Joining David Bryfman this week on Adapting is Adina Frydman, CEO of the U.S.'s oldest Zionist youth movement, Young Judaea. They discuss how a youth movement is different from a youth organization, what it's like to be the CEO of a Zionist youth movement, the complexity of the term "Zionist" in today's highly charged climate, and why we need youth movements now more than ever before.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Teen Engagement