Our kids have questions about Israel. This is a guide for three key conversations to address complex issues together; the separation wall, Israel in the public sphere (i.e. media) and Homeland. Development level is for children as young as 5 years old.
A seven-part series of sessions that assist parents in having meaningful conversations with their older teens about Israel from Makom.
Makom, a project of the Jewish Agency for Israel, is the place for challenging Israel education, enabling participants to ask challenging questions, while also providing a challenging and exciting experience.
Peninsula Temple Beth El (PTBE), San Mateo, CA. Families in small groups with similar age kids begin learning together, move into separate groups for parallel study and then come back together for a family activity followed by participation in Shabbat worship.
Mayim, our initial example of "Additional" Models, could be placed in a Multi-aged, Project-Based Learning, or Experiential Learning bucket. Mayim is a K-5 learning community in which depth of relationships and depth of learning are intentionally fostered and visible everywhere.