Yamit: Exchanging Land for Peace


This video discusses the backdrop, story and implications of the Israeli Sinai settlement, Yamit.

The video comes with a 5-part educational guide (includes REVIEW, DISCUSSION, ACTIVITIES, REFLECTION, FURTHER LEARNING) that can be viewed online and/or downloaded as a PDF, along with a Kahoot game. 

It is also part of a series titled History of Israel Explained.

Remote video URL

Before the evacuation of Jewish residents from Gaza in 2005, it was the evacuation of Yamit in 1982 which shook the Israeli world. After Israel took over the Sinai desert following the victory of the Six-Day War, Jews began to settle there. In 1982, Israel pulled out of Sinai in agreement with the Camp David Accords, in order to secure peace on the Egyptian border. Most Israelis left with compensation and without protest, but there were some people who put up a fight and were forcefully removed. It’s an emotionally-charged story, which the video and educator resources below will help you unpack with your students. What is the price of peace? What is a country willing to sacrifice to this end?

Use the video and prompts to foster discussion, empathy and meaning making.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement