
Towards Thriving: A Learning Circle for Jewish Education/Engagement Non-Profit Professionals

Facilitators: Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith, Rabbi David Levy
Format: Virtual

About this Network:

We are excited to launch a new network that is meant to support the work of Jewish education/engagement professionals who work at local Federations or other Jewish education non-profits supporting part-time Jewish education. We will come together on zoom every 5-7 weeks to learn with each other, to strengthen and design local initiatives, to tackle dilemmas, build a national network of colleagues, and to focus on understanding new theories of education and lessons from adjacent fields that can enhance our practice.

Additional Information:

This new national network will support Jewish education/engagement non-profit professionals from across North America. If you work for a Federation or other free-standing Jewish education non-profit and a piece of your portfolio is focusing on part-time Jewish education this network is meant for you. All meetings will be held on Zoom. 


About the Facilitators:

Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith
Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith

Rabbi Jennifer Ossakow Goldsmith is the Managing Director of Professional Development and Growth (National) at The Jewish Education Project in New York. Born in Cleveland, Ohio and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Jennifer received her BA from the University of Michigan and rabbinic ordination and MA in Religious Education from HUC-JIR. Jennifer’s ongoing study of leadership theory drives her commitment to helping Jewish leaders harness their resources to create meaningful change. Prior to her time at The Jewish Education Project, Jennifer worked as the Director of Life-Long Learning at Larchmont Temple helping engage families at every age and stage of their Jewish journeys. Her current work concentrates on fostering and spreading educational innovation that helps learners thrive through consulting, grant initiatives, online resources, professional networks, leadership development, and coaching. She facilitates workshops and seminars on innovation in part-time Jewish education and leadership across the country.

Rabbi David Levy
Rabbi David Levy

My route to becoming a Rabbi was certainly not a straight line! My first step was on Masada at 5:30 am on my 2001 Birthright Israel trip. As I watched the sun rise out of the Dead Sea, I felt connected to the Jewish people in a way I never had before. That moment catalyzed a trajectory that culminated three years later in a call to HUC-JIR from my cubicle at GE. In between those two moments, yes I got my Bachelors degree in Information Systems, but more importantly I fell in love with the wisdom of the Jewish tradition, and helping individual Jews and Jewish communities thrive. That passion has only grown over these past twenty years as I continue to invest in my own learning and growth, and create opportunities for communities and individuals to do the same. I live in Westchester, NY with my wife Kate, our three sons, Benji, Micah, and Ezra and our dog Gizmo.


Monday at 2-3pm ET
Oct 23, Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 26, Apr 15, Jun 3
Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith
Rabbi David Levy
New members
Contact Facilitator
Target audience
Non-Profit Engagement / Education Professional
Geographic regions
Area of work
Congregational Learning
Early Childhood
Family Engagement
Teen Engagement