Talking about Israel and Antisemitism with Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities and Mental Health Needs


We all know that children rely on us to be a source of strength, security, and safety. As we come up on one-year anniversary of October 7, the Jewish community is grappling with the accompanying surge of emotions and stresses that come with nearly 1 year of war in Israel and a global rise in antisemitism. On top of that, educators face the challenge of talking about Israel with children and young adults in their lives in a thoughtful way, while also giving space to process their own emotions. For the caregivers of a child with a neurodevelopmental disability or mental health support needs, navigating this topic may feel even more complicated and overwhelming.

Below are some tips from Gateways’ experienced special educators and mental health care providers on talking about the war in Israel, tailored for children and young adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities and mental health needs. The intent is for these tips to lay the groundwork for meeting children where they are in difficult conversations, and to provide a framework to help adults remain present with their children during this challenging time.



  • Early Childhood