The Story of the S.S. St. Louis (1939)


This original material can be used by educators in a variety of settings to bring to life the story of the ill-fated S.S. St. Louis and JDC's role in the events, including negotiating with governments in an efforts to find safe havens for the refugees. Included are original letters, reports, minutes of meetings, and historical photographic images. This material can be used in formal or informal education settings for ages ranging from high school to adults.

JDC Archives Topic Guides seek to introduce briefly a historical event and provide rich primary-source materials that educators can utilize to develop lessons, curricula, programs, or readings. 

This topic guide contains primary-source documents and photos, a film clip, and suggested additional resources to tell the story of the St. Louis.




  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement