The Social Justice Torah Commentary: Study and Discussion Guide


In the introduction to The Social Justice Torah Commentary, Rabbi Barry H. Block writes, “The message [of the Torah] is clear: Israel serves God no less by pursuing social justice than through proper worship.” The collection demonstrates this message with a journey through the Torah, reading each parashah with an eye for social justice. This study guide, written by Rabbi Ariel Tovlev, is a companion to the book, with discussion questions on each chapter to inspire deeper conversation and exploration.

This guide can facilitate study and discussion in learning environments for adults, young adults, or teens. It can be used in weekly Torah study or in standalone classes. The questions range from comprehension—reminding readers of the content of the chapter)—to evaluating the message of the chapter and applying it to our own lives. Just as The Social Justice Torah Commentary illustrates the myriad ways the Torah calls upon us to take direct action to create justice, so too does this guide challenge its readers to create justice in their own communities.

This guide offers two ways to use its content: chronologically, from Genesis through Deuteronomy, or thematically, grouping texts based on content (see the groupings on the following pages). You can use the complete guide with every parashah, or you could select your favorites for discussion. Some questions contain multiple parts. As facilitator, you can choose to ask these one by one to draw out deeper discussion. For questions where participants are asked whether they agree or disagree, encourage them to explain their reasoning.

The cover features the title "The Social Justice Torah Commentary" and a piece of art by Trude Guermonprez that shows colorful Torah Text.



  • Congregational Learning
  • Teen Engagement