- Congregational Learning
- Teen Engagement
- After School and Beyond
- Day Schools and Yeshivas
- Camp
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Mensch-ify is an alternative learning program that is held twice a month for families with children in Pre-K to 6th grade. It is a developmentally appropriate program, built upon the parent-child co-learning experience, that combines stories, songs, art, movement, and play to provide families with the tools they need to live a Jewish life that works for them.

Living Judaism is an all-inclusive experiential learning model of Jewish Education. The purpose of the model is to engage every learner, provide carefully constructed learning experiences, build a strong identity, root students firmly in tradition, and create memories to last for years to come.

Our Village takes a learner-centered approach in everything they do. Learners’ questions and concerns are the starting place for each lesson and faculty engage in comprehensive training to support this orientation. An essential component of this approach is the development of deep relationships throughout the learning community. This community is unabashedly welcoming of all learners and families. As a result, students develop life skills to become change-makers and social justice advocates through the lens of Jewish history, thought, and practice.