Sample Session from Rosh Hodesh Teen Group: The Woman and the Moon


This gathering is designed for a Rosh Hodesh group’s initial meeting. It introduces participants to the concept of Rosh Hodesh and rituals associated with the holiday. In this meeting, participants start working toward creating a comfortable and supportive environment for the group. While getting to know each other, they will also spend time reflecting on their own identities and how those identities change based on context (e.g. at school versus at home, at Rosh Hodesh, etc).

At the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Feel more connected and comfortable with the rest of the group
  • Identify key elements of Rosh Hodesh
  • Describe what to expect from the Rosh Hodesh program
  • Describe their identities, and how they portray themselves in different contexts

In Moving Traditions’ Rosh Hodesh groups, teen girls* gather monthly with a trained adult mentor using a dynamic curriculum. Together in a circle of support, participants experience a brave, sacred space for them to articulate their deepest concerns, consider the impact of gender norms on their daily lives, celebrate and support together through joys and challenges, be their authentic selves with their peers, and explore topics that matter most to them.  

*All of our teen groups are safe and inclusive spaces for youth to join as they self-identify. Nonbinary teens are welcome in whatever space they feel most comfortable. 

Moving Traditions’ curricular materials are easy to use, designed to be “plug and play,” with a flexible framework so that sessions can be delivered online or in person as needed. To bring Moving Traditions' programs to your community, visit



  • After School and Beyond
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement