Purim: A Time to Dress Up (Hebrew)


Attached are some Hebrew words to prompt decoding/ reading and Hebrew conversations around Purim costumes, including colors and clothing names. Students can create independent sentences such as "I will be wearing a blue dress and a yellow hat" in Hebrew. 

Included are some paper doll printables (just meant as a starter set) that students can use to visually depict their costumes. Students can create additional items out of paper and markers. 

A fun experiential game once the students have learned this vocabulary would be to use it for a game such as "Where the Wind Blows." Students stand in a circle and one person in the middle says "the wind blows if you are wearing michnasayim caholim (blue pants)" and then everyone who is wearing blue pants will need to switch spots with someone else in the circle and the last person that doesn't find a spot becomes the person in the middle and shares a new prompt. They can include any additional Hebrew vocabulary the class has learned this year. 



  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Early Childhood
  • Family Engagement