MitzVote Shabbat Guide


Friday nights are a source of comfort, community, and inspiration for Jews all over the world. In times of national transition, such as election cycles, Friday night Shabbat nourishment and ritual take on an even deeper and more acute role in holding Jewish communities emotionally, physically, and spiritually. The Shabbats proceeding an upcoming General Election offer an opportunity to center the rich legacy of Jewish commitment to Civic Engagement in one of our most beloved traditions. This guide was created in particular to support students at Hillels across the United States.

Included in this facilitator guide are a few suggestions for introducing, setting intentions, and guiding Shabbat rituals that are tailor-crafted to meet this specific moment. We have also included examples and information for engaging in civic service opportunities prior to candle lighting, and provided supplementary resources and calls to action that may be incorporated throughout your Shabbat gathering. 

While this guide was created for a campus context, we think it’s applicable to shabbat gatherings everywhere!



  • Family Engagement
  • Teen Engagement