Teenage girls today need guidance regarding how to ethically use and think about their bodies. We, as educators, have the exciting opportunity to open the pathways of communication about these difficult issues. This curriculum guide will give students the opportunity to use Jewish texts and Jewish values as tools for decision-making about how they use their bodies, and how they approach relationships with others.
This curriculum was designed for high school girls in a religious sschool setting. It was created by Rachel Margolis, 2007 HUC School of Education graduate.
This TED talks features Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi as he asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow."
Mensch-ify is an alternative learning program that is held twice a month for families with children in Pre-K to 6th grade. It is a developmentally appropriate program, built upon the parent-child co-learning experience, that combines stories, songs, art, movement, and play to provide families with the tools they need to live a Jewish life that works for them.
Our Village takes a learner-centered approach in everything they do. Learners’ questions and concerns are the starting place for each lesson and faculty engage in comprehensive training to support this orientation. An essential component of this approach is the development of deep relationships throughout the learning community. This community is unabashedly welcoming of all learners and families. As a result, students develop life skills to become change-makers and social justice advocates through the lens of Jewish history, thought, and practice.