How Will We All Feel?

November 6, 2024 at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST

November 6th may be the end of political ads, but it’s unlikely to be the end of political drama. Will we even know anything? Some may be happy; others despairing.  We’re exhausted  

Let’s come together with Dr. Betsy Stone to debrief, to console, to share, to celebrate. This will be a caring space.  All views are welcome!

Dr. Betsy Stone
Dr. Betsy Stone

Dr. Betsy Stone received her Doctorate in Psychology from Yale University. She is a psychologist and for the last seventeen years has served as an adjunct lecturer at Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Her classes include Human Development for Educators, Adolescent Development and Teens In and Out of Crisis. She also teaches a family education class in her synagogue, Temple Sinai of Stamford, for 6th and 7th graders and their parents, and likes to travel and teach about teenagers and their families. Her most recent book is Refuah Shlema.

Rabbi David Levy
Rabbi David Levy

Rabbi David E. Levy is the Director, Field Consultation at The Jewish Education Project. His primary work focuses on supporting congregational educators across the country to explore the big questions in Jewish Education, and how they are particularly positioned to respond to them. Prior to The Jewish Education Project, David worked at Westchester Reform Temple for a decade, where he served as the Associate Rabbi and the Director of the Jewish Learning Lab. He also has extensive experience working with Jewish camps, and as a consultant. David received Rabbinic ordination and a Masters in Religious Education from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems from Drexel University. 

Ivy Schreiber
Ivy Schreiber

Ivy Schreiber is the Managing Director, Professional Learning and Growth at The Jewish Education Project. Her current work focuses on supporting Jewish educators towards adopting new models that lead to thriving and are responsive to today’s learners and families. Prior to The Jewish Education Project, Ivy worked at B’nai Jeshurun (BJ) in NYC for a decade, where she served as the Education Director, and also has experience in Jewish camping and as a consultant to synagogues. Ivy holds an MA in Jewish Education from the Davidson School at JTS, is an alum of the Leadership Institute, and is a Wexner Field Fellow. Ivy lives in Westchester with her husband and three children.




  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Family Engagement

Target Audience

  • Congregations