GenZ Now: Jewish Teens Research Study

large group of teenagers in star of David

Our new report, GenZ Now: Understanding and Connecting with Jewish Teens Today, unveiled at the Jewish Funders Network Conference and now released to the public, is the result of a unique collaborative partnership between funders, researchers, and the leadership of 14 national youth-serving organizations listed below. The survey responses of 17,576 Jewish teens provide a heretofore unprecedented understanding into who these teens are, what they care about and want, and to some extent, what the Jewish community can do to enhance their lives as people, and as Jews.

In 2017, The Jewish Education Project, in partnership with Rosov Consulting, embarked upon this ambitious project. Rooted in the original Generation Now Research and funded by The Jim Joseph Foundation, The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, and Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah, this new research has endeavored to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the Jewish teen landscape across the United States.

We are also making some of the Appendix materials available below.


Youth Serving Organizations participating in the GenZ Study

GenZ Research Online Appendix

The full report is available through the Berman Jewish DataBank. The following material should serve as a supplement to the report content.



  • After School and Beyond
  • Educator Training
  • Congregational Learning
  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • Teen Engagement