The GENERATE Fellowship

Thank you for your interest in the GENERATE Fellowship. Check us out in eJewish philanthropy here.
Please read the following information below before applying. Through participation, fellows will have access to the following:
Arc of Learning: Designed around cutting-edge Gen Z Now research, and learner outcomes, focused on how teens want to grow and thrive, each session will be designed and facilitated by leaders in the field of Jewish Teen Engagement and explore ways to adapt the material for their own settings.
Learn more about the GENERATE Arc of Learning.
Professional Mentorship: Each GENERATE fellow will have ongoing 1:1 mentorship sessions facilitated by experienced mentors from across the field of Jewish Teen Engagement to help professionals navigate their experiences.
Reflection and Growth Opportunities: Fellows will have multiple sessions devoted to exploring successes and key tensions which arise in the role of the teen engagement professional.
- Learn more about the Teen Professional Exploratory Sessions.
Network of Trusted Colleagues: This fellowship experience will include opportunities to build relationships with teen engagement colleagues from across denominational affiliations and throughout North America.
Supervisory Support: A special arc of learning will provide supervisors with the tools, skills and knowledge to support the teen engagement professional in their institution throughout the program and beyond.
- Learn more about the Supervisor Arc of Learning.
There is a $360 fee to participant in The GENERATE fellowship. This fee includes all professional development and mentorship throughout the year. If you want to nominate a teen engagement professional, click here.
Here's what participants are saying about the experience.
"I am passionate about the work of helping young people find their way to connect to Judaism. The generate fellowship has shown me how many different ways I am able to do this work and introduced me to so many great people doing this work daily."
- GENERATE Fellowship Participant
"The GENERATE Fellowship made me realize that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be."
- GENERATE Fellowship Participant
If you have any questions, please reach out to Jodie Goldberg at