DIY Torah Talks


Shavuot, the holiday that celebrates the giving of the Torah, is the perfect time to study Torah with a friend, a family member, or even a celebrity!

Following the example of Sefaria’s interviews of Torah study with well-known personalities, students learn a text, study it with someone else and record the conversation. Step-by-step instructions, along with suggested texts and questions to get the students started, are included in the materials.

This activity is appropriate for students of all ages, depending on the texts that the teacher selects.


To get you started, we have provided texts and “jumping off” questions on the topics of:

Using our Senses  

One Nation, One Heart  

I Took You Out of Egypt 




  • Day Schools and Yeshivas
  • After School and Beyond
  • Congregational Learning
  • Teen Engagement
  • Camp