B'Yachad: A Fellowship for Jewish Educators of Color
The B'Yachad Fellowship is a virtual JOC imagined space aimed to support the growth and leadership of JOC Jewish educators from across the New York area.
The Application Deadline has been extended! Please submit your applications by Friday, February 19, 2021 by 5:00 PM ET.
The B'Yachad Fellowship will engage 10-15 fellows in an 18-month cohort experience. Fellows will be both Jewish educators of Color who are currently working within Jewish Institutions, and those who are working in other spaces but are seeking either professional or lay leadership roles within the Jewish educational world.
Part 1: Professional Development Workshops
B'Yachad is a space that centers on the unique needs of JOC Jewish Educators. Participants will participate in 6 Workshops- designed in partnership with the B'Yachad faculty members. Some examples might include: leadership development, change management, etc.
Part 2: Cohort of JOC Jewish Educators
B'Yachad fellows will have access to a virtual shared learning environment designed to foster communication, collaboration, resource sharing, and a space for exclusively Jewish educators of Color to explore and process learning together.
Part 3: Professional Mentorship
B'Yachad fellows will have access to professional mentorship from senior Jewish educators, who serve as B'Yachcad faculty, in the field of Jewish education and engagement.
Part 4: Professional Development Stipend
B'Yachad fellows will have access to individual professional development stipends of up to $500 to continue growing their knowledge and skills in an area they identify.
Part 5: Action Research
Participate in Action Research to uncover the professional needs of Jewish educators of Color. These findings will impact the field.
B'Yachad Faculty:

Kendell Pinkney | Kendell Pinkney is a Brooklyn based theatre-maker, Jewish-life consultant, and rabbinical student at the Jewish Theological Seminary. While he was most recently featured in Saturday Night Seder and on the Crooked Media podcast Unholier than Thou, his collaborative works have been presented at venues such as 54 Below, Joe’s Pub, the 14th St. Y, and Two River Theatre, to name a few. Kendell’s broader interest in racial and ethnic diversity among Jews led him to team up with spoken-word artist, Vanessa Hidary, to produce Kaleidoscope, a monologue showcase that foregrounds the stories of Jews of Color, and Jews from Sephardic and Mizrachi backgrounds. In addition to his creative work, he is also the rabbinic intern for the Jewish arts and culture organizations Reboot and LABA, and serves on the board of Ammud: The Jews of Color Torah Academy.
Dr. Analucía Lopezrevoredo | Dr. Analucía Lopezrevoredo is a Peruvian-Chilean-Quechua-American Jewtina, born in Peru and raised in Spain and the United States. An anti-racist activist, educator and researcher, Analucía founded Jewtina y Co. in 2019 to offer Latin Jews from around the world a platform in which to engage in critical dialogue about Jewish and Latin multiculturalism. Prior to starting Jewtina y Co., her passion for racial equity was evidenced in her work as a principal investigator for the Center to Advance Racial Equity in Portland, Oregon, and as a migrant rights advocate in California's Central Valley, southwestern México and southeastern Perú.
Analucía's educational background lies in critical race and cross-cultural studies, and her doctoral research was centered around Latino immigrant and refugee resiliency. She is the recipient of the National Young Woman of Distinction award, is a former Fulbright and Rotary International Scholar, sits on JDC Entwine's National Council, is a member of the Schusterman Foundation's ROI Community and a new Wexner Field Fellow. A passionate global citizen, she's traveled to over 125 countries and has lived in five continents.
Sivan Battat | Sivan Battat is an Iraqi-Jewish educator, facilitator, theatre director and cultural worker. Sivan has led ancestral storytelling workshops within various queer, Jewish, and SWANA communities, taught Mizrahi Feminist history, and has designed and facilitated many programs for youth, teens and adults. Sivan is an educator and board member with Ammud: The Jews of Color Torah Academy and has worked with NYC based JFREJ in numerous capacities, particularly organizing Mizrahi & Sephardi Jews. As an artist, Sivan has directed and developed work at numerous theatres regionally, off-Broadway and internationally. Sivan is an alumna of the Dorot Fellowship, a member of Tzedek Lab, and a current LABA Fellow with the 14th Street Y. Sivanbattat.com.

Heather Miller | Heather Miller is an educator and future rabbi who is passionate about creating embracing spaces in both the religious and secular parts of her life. As the President of her synagogue, she strives to build a community that is safe for all of the intersecting identities in her community. In response to the events in the Spring of 2020, Heather developed a Race Consciousness series for her own community. Along with her co-facilitator, Heather is privileged to help communities, across the country, on their journey towards becoming anti-racist upstanders. Heather was recently on the planning committee for (and served as co-facilitator) USCJ's Kol Tzedek Conference and she works with USCJ, UJA, and other organizations to help move racial justice work forward in Jewish spaces. At the end of 2020, Heather was awarded MTNY's Ernest L. Rothschild Leadership Award. Her favorite role of all, however, is as the mother of three amazing boys who are proudly descended from freed slaves and Holocaust survivors.
Additional Faculty members will be added shortly.
B'Yachad is a program of The Jewish Education Project generously funded by UJA Federation of New York, and was created in partnership with Kendell Pinkney, JTS Rabbinical Student and Arielle Korman of Ammud: Jews of Color Torah Academy.
If you have further questions or would like additional information, please contact Jodie Goldberg at or Judith Talesnick.
- Early Childhood
- Family Engagement
- Day Schools and Yeshivas
- Congregational Learning
- After School and Beyond
- Teen Engagement