Bringing Gratitude to Life: A Workshop on Thriving in Jewish Education

The Jewish Education Project
July 20, 2021

This workshop will focus on gratitude as a model of Jewish Education that enhances skills for a more fulfilling life. During this fun, engaging series, educators will be able to draw on Jewish wisdom, ritual, and tradition to develop skills that enable them to have a heightened sense of gratitude in their lives.

​The first session will include an immersive activity with an opportunity to reflect on the experience, allowing educators to see our design process. Participants will be able to identify elements of the experience that contribute to Jewish learning that leads to thriving.

The second session will include an opportunity for participants to explore how to create experiences that lead to thriving in their own settings.


Dates: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 and Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Time: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM ET



Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith

Rabbi Jennifer Goldsmith | Rabbi Jennifer Ossakow Goldsmith is the Managing Director of Congregational Learning and Leadership Initiatives at The Jewish Education Project in New York. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Jennifer received her BA from the University of Michigan and rabbinic ordination and MA in Religious Education from HUC-JIR. Jennifer’s ongoing study of leadership theory drives her commitment to helping Jewish leaders harness their resources to create meaningful change. Prior to her time at The Jewish Education Project, Jennifer worked as the Director of Life-Long Learning at Larchmont Temple helping engage families at every age and stage of their Jewish journeys. Her current work concentrates on fostering and spreading educational innovation that helps learners thrive through consulting, grant initiatives, online resources, professional networks, and leadership development. She facilitates workshops and seminars on innovation in part-time Jewish education and leadership across the country. Jennifer lives in New Rochelle, NY with her husband, Rabbi Howard Goldsmith, and their two children Lev and Talia.


Dena Klein

Rabbi Dena Klein | Rabbi Dena Klein is the Managing Director of New Models at The Jewish Education Project, assisting educators in creating ground-breaking approaches to offer relevant, meaningful Jewish learning. Rabbi Klein is a sought-after change consultant for congregations and other institutions interested in thinking differently about Jewish life. She has served as a presenter in a variety of settings and has advised congregations in leadership and curriculum development. Rabbi Klein has served as a rabbi of Chavurat Tikvah, Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York City, and Temple Sinai of Roslyn. Rabbi Klein received her Rabbinic Ordination and Masters of Hebrew Letters from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City, where she has also served as an adjunct faculty member. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania.



  • Congregational Learning
  • After School and Beyond
  • Teen Engagement