Because My Soul Longs for You: Study and Discussion Guide


It is a blessing to experience God in our life. Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav teaches that our connection to the Divine takes place above us, around us, and within us. The chapters in Because My Soul Longs For You: Integrating Theology into Our Lives reflect the ways in which each of its authors experiences the Divine, through their heightened awareness, their practice, and their innermost longings. At a time when humanity is vulnerable and uncertain of every next moment, we glean sparks of comfort and hope through their paths. We may even appropriate them for ourselves. The following guide, written by Rabbi Jan Katz, attempts to assist each of us to enter and explore these paths—to find meaning and moments of divinity for ourselves. 

This study guide was composed for adult learning. We suggest a series of six sessions of sixty to ninety minutes each. These sessions may occur in synagogue settings, independent chavurot, book clubs, and other groups who wish to explore Jewish spirituality in our time. The content of the essays lends itself to all ages and stages, with a particular attraction for those feeling confined, confused, or just out of touch with the traditional modes of encounter with the Divine. In order to have meaningful, honest, and personal conversations, it is suggested that groups comprise no more than twelve participants, plus a facilitator. Sessions may be divided into (1) a summary of the essay; (2) a whole-class or small-group response to the provided quote; (3) the implementation of the spiritual exercise; and (4) an opportunity to “unpack” the lesson and its value for the participants both as a review of the book’s essays and as insight into personal spiritual openings. In general, participants are asked to consider: 

1. What did I learn about the author’s experience of God? 

2. How did the author’s experience resonate with my own understanding or experience of God in my life? 

3. What chidush—“new idea, new way of seeing and feeling one’s own spiritual life”—emerged from these essays?

The cover to "Because My Soul Longs for You" features the art piece "Book of Life 2" by Shraga Weil.



  • Congregational Learning
  • Teen Engagement