The Annual Yeshiva Day School Conference
Please join us for the 36th Annual Religious and Independent School Educator's Conference and the Annual Yeshiva Day School Conference!
Register today for the 36th Annual Religious and Independent School Educator's Conference and the Annual Yeshiva Day School Conference!
Please note that the Annual Yeshiva Day School Conference will be entirely virtual this year.
Registration is free for all participants. Please follow the steps below to ensure registration.
1.) You can click here to register as an attendee for RISE 2020.
2.) After registration, you will be taken back to the event site and will be able to view the sessions and speakers here. The sessions on Wednesday, November 11, are designed specifically for the Annual Yeshiva Day School Conference. Renowned speaker, Dr. Erica Brown, will deliver the keynote address. Please select "Register" next to her session title to pre-register. You can pre-register for other sessions as well. Please note that after registering as an attendee of the RISE conference, you will have to sign back in to pre-register for the sessions.
3.) Please register here for the Annual Yeshiva Day School's Judaic Studies sessions or by clicking the "Register Here" link at the top of the page.
About the Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Erica Brown: Dr. Erica Brown is the director of the Mayberg Center for Jewish Education and Leadership and an associate professor of curriculum and pedagogy at The George Washington University. Erica was a Jerusalem Fellow, is a faculty member of the Wexner Foundation, an Avi Chai Fellow and the recipient of the 2009 Covenant Award for her work in education. She is the author of twelve books on leadership, the Hebrew Bible and spirituality; her newest book is The Book of Esther: Power, Fate and Fragility in Exile (Koren). She has been published in the New York Times, The Atlantic, Tablet, First Things, and The Jewish Review of Books and wrote a monthly column for the New York Jewish Week. She has blogged for Psychology Today, Newsweek/Washington Post’s “On Faith” and JTA and tweeted on one page of Talmud study a day @DrEricaBrown.
Judaic Studies Sessions:
Session 1: Learning Humash with an SEL Lens
Presenter: Judith Talesnick
Time: 2:30- 3:15 PM
Description: Many schools have adopted robust Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) programs that are designed to help students develop the following skills: Recognize and manage their own emotions, Develop a sense of responsibility, care and concern for others, Relate to others and develop positive relationships, Handle challenging situations, Make responsible decisions and act for the good of self, others and the society. The biggest impact comes from weaving this approach and language throughout the day and in each area of study. This session will explore how SEL tools and language can be applied to Humash class in order to deepen student understanding of themselves, Humash and their relationship to Torah values. Geared for grades 2- 8.
Session 2: Tablets to Tablets: Interactive Technology in JS
Presenter: Gitta Jaroslawicz-Neufeld
Time: 10:30- 11:15 AM
Description: This session will focus on pouring “old wine in new flasks,” exploring the use of technology in the Judaic Studies classroom. How can teachers harness the power of apps and the web to enhance their teaching? Join us for a lively exploration of adapting web tools to the Judaic Studies classroom. Geared for all ages.
Session 3: Gamifying Israel Education
Presenter: Abby Pitkowsky
Time: 12:30- 1:15 PM
Description: Games are an excellent way to capture the attention of students. They also encourage learning, creativity, problem solving and even empathy. In this session we'll look at ed-tech games about Israel created by the facilitator that are easy-to-use and easy to replicate for your goals (and are free!). We'll sample the games, learn the frameworks and consider approaches. Participants will walk away with the gifts of several ready-to-use content rich educational games for their students. Geared for middle and high school, grades 6 and up.
Session 4: Tanakh Ba'Aretz - Using archeology, topography, geography to enhance teaching Tanakh
Presenter: Zev Jacobson
Time: 11:30 AM- 12:15 PM
Description: As teachers of Tanakh, are not interested in merely imparting information to our students. We want them to feel the stories come alive. We want them to be interested, engaged & enthralled. Most importantly, we want them to find relevance in the text that can serve to educate & inspire them. Join me as we explore how to enhance the students' experience & understanding of Tanakh through archeology, topography & geography. Geared for grades K-8.
Session 5: Torah as a Positive Relationship Builder with G-d
Presenter: Rabbi Shmuel Feld
Time: 1:30- 2:15 PM
Description: Kadmon L’chol Davar: Creating a Chumash Curriculum that Puts Hashem First. Often students think of learning Chumash as a series of decoding exercises, reading comprehension moments, and memorizing details which often leads to a focus on the minutiae of learning rather than an emphasis on the big picture points that create emunah. The initial formal relationship with Torah has the capacity to create new ways to independently develop deveikus, the highest level of partnership with Hashem. Such an approach involves rethinking underlying assumptions about what student work looks like and what the goals of learning Chumash are. Using Chumash and Meforshim to light a spark and fan the flames of emunah allows the students to begin a life-long journey. Geared for elementary and middle school students.
- Day Schools and Yeshivas