Adapting Podcast: What Does it Mean to Bear Witness?


We’re continuing our limited series, Israel Education in a Post-October 7th World, with Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer, a Reform Jewish Educator who just returned from an educator mission to Israel powered by The Jewish Education Project along with the Association for Reform Jewish Educators and Hebrew Union College community.

Listen on APPLE or SPOTIFY.


It’s one thing to see posts on social media from Israel since October 7th, but it’s another to travel directly to the Jewish State to bear witness to the emotion and trauma that simply can’t be conveyed through a screen. We have already sent hundreds of Jewish educators to Israel post-October 7th. Now, prepare to be moved as Winer breaks down what it means to bear witness to collective pain, explores the responsibility of taking these stories back to her community, and reflects on her experience as both a Jewish educator and a human being.



  • Educator Training