This Common Sense Education article encourages teachers to develop approaches to in-person learning that coinsider the SEL core competencies developed by CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning).
Peninsula Temple Beth El (PTBE), San Mateo, CA. Families in small groups with similar age kids begin learning together, move into separate groups for parallel study and then come back together for a family activity followed by participation in Shabbat worship.
Mensch-ify is an alternative learning program that is held twice a month for families with children in Pre-K to 6th grade. It is a developmentally appropriate program, built upon the parent-child co-learning experience, that combines stories, songs, art, movement, and play to provide families with the tools they need to live a Jewish life that works for them.
Temple Judea, Tarzana, CA. Nisayon includes week-long camp experiences, family programming, and parallel adult education. Annual content themes are paired with activities like music, dance, drama, and krav maga.